Health and well-being

Our tips to have a healthy holiday season

5 min

If you're like us, you start preparing for the Holidays weeks in advance! Decorate the house ✔️ Install the lights ✔️ Shop ✔️ Draw up the menu ✔️ Review the menu ten times ✔️ Cook your heart out ✔️. When you have lists and follow a plan, nothing can go wrong... unless a cold, flu or other health problem gets in the way and ruins everything! 

Whether you're entertaining family and friends over the Holidays, or you're the guest at someone's home, there are a number of ways to reduce the risk of falling ill or transmitting viruses to your loved ones. By adopting a few simple habits, you can limit the spread of viruses and make the most of a happy, healthy holiday season!

Healthy Holidays: the guide to being a thoughtful host

At home, you're the boss! As a host, it's your (almost sacred) mission to look after everyone's well-being, including your own! The Holidays are busy, and no one wants to spend them in their pyjamas with a thermometer in hand. By taking a few precautions, you can ensure that your guests leave with memorable souvenirs... and no flu to boot!

  • Tell your guests in advance to stay home if they have a fever. Why not prepare a little comfort food to make them feel like they're still part of the party... from afar.
  • As a precaution, or if you have elderly or immunocompromised guests, place a box of masks at the entrance and invite those who sneeze or cough to wear them. A little mask is like a superhero costume for your health!
  • Don't hesitate to ask your guests to wash their hands when they get to your home and at certain specific times (after shaking hands, before going to the buffet, etc.). Remember: your home, your rules!
  • Get a disinfectant spray that you can spray throughout the house or use essential oils like eucalyptus to help boost immunity (and add a touch of zen to your atmosphere).
  • Hand out small bottles of hydro-alcoholic gel or place them around the house! At the entrance, in the living room, in the kitchen... wherever hands meet and viruses join the party.
  • Identify your guests' glasses; it's festive, and it prevents everyone from drinking from the glass of someone with a cold.
  • Identify who sits where at the table. 
  • Use disposable paper towels; if you have cloth towels, that's great, but if you want to avoid spreading viruses, opt for paper towels, which each guest uses only once before throwing away.
  • Offer hot, soothing drinks; there's nothing better than ginger or lemon tea to soothe sore throats. Not only does it also boost the immune system, but makes you a thoughtful host!
  • Have games that don't involve sharing objects or physical interaction, such as riddles or team quizzes.
  • Make sure your house is well ventilated.
Healthy Holidays: the guide to being a thoughtful guest

Being a guest during the Holidays is a dream come true: no preparation, no stress, no cleaning... just sit back, chat and enjoy yourself without having to cook! That being said, even if you are taking it easy, don't forget that as a thoughtful guest, you also have to think about protecting your health, as well as that of your hosts and other guests. After all, you wouldn't want to ruin the party with a cold or flu.

  • If you're pregnant or immunocompromised, feel free to wear a mask. 
  • When you arrive, wash your hands and always keep a small bottle of hydro-alcoholic gel with you; it's your secret weapon against germs and viruses.
  • Drink only from the glass offered to you and avoid sharing objects.
  • If you feel a fever coming on, stay at home, even if it breaks your heart. Altruism sometimes means saying no to a party... because you don't want to make everyone else sick.
  • If you have a new or worsening cough, a sore throat or nasal congestion:
    • Warn your hosts and other guests that you could be contagious.
    • Wear a mask.
    • Avoid direct contact with vulnerable people such as the elderly, babies under 3 months old, immunocompromised individuals and pregnant women.
    • Say hello from a distance; avoid direct contact for greetings such as handshakes and hugs, and rely instead on alternative practices such as elbowing.
    • If possible, don't sit too close to other guests during the meal.
    • Make sure you change your mask if it gets dirty or wet. 
    • Ask someone to prepare your plate for you at the buffet. 
    • Cough or sneeze into your elbow.
    • If you use a tissue (and always use single-use tissues!), wash your hands immediately. 

By following these simple tips, you can enjoy a fun and healthy holiday season. After all, it's a wonderful time for sharing laughter and memories, not viruses!

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